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September 2009
FOOX: Jason Reynaga of Wade College
Sep 30, 2009 9:00:00 AM
Jason Reynaga of Wade College in Dallas recently presented me with this gorgeous painting. It is screen printed and part of the medium is vinyl on NRA Targets (I also use NRA Targets in some of my artwork). I dig the Human Heart and according to ancient Mysteries,
"Every part and member of the human body is epitomized in the brain and in turn all that is in the brain is epitomized in the heart."
Thank you Mr. Reynaga.
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FOOX: Color Pulse ft Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawkins - Glorious Dawn
Sep 29, 2009 9:33:00 AM
A still more Glorious Dawn awaits - a morning with 400 Billion Stars - if we don't destroy ourselves first. For thousands of years people have wondered about the Universe... How lucky we are to live in this time, the first time in human history to be visiting other worlds. The rising not of a sun but of a galaxy!
This is a really beautiful song. Youtube & DL Link
The Sky calls to us!
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FOOX: September 27th
Sep 27, 2009 9:08:00 AM
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FOOX: Flavorwire from Flavorpill: Gagosian Opens New Space (NYC)
Sep 26, 2009 8:58:00 AM
via Flavorwire
Gagosian Gallery is the pinnacle of art sales. Their stable of exceptional artists - that sell well consistently - to their promotion and distribution of books, prints, and other "flow over" art goods are all exceptional, top notch and professional.
Now the Gagosian Crew have just given me another reason to visit NYC. Joining the fashion elite on Madison Ave, NYC, Gagosian now has a retail outlet to compliment the 5 gallery spaces. Way to go Gagosian!
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FOOX: It's Magazine Time! Schon! Magazine is UNBELIEVABLE!
Sep 25, 2009 8:52:33 AM
Schon! Magazine Cover image
As an artist I get my inspiration in part from seeing the work of fashion photographers. Flipping pages and delving into images that are crisp and exciting is part of the process - for me.
Sep/Oct are great months for inspiration. With everyone gearing up for the Christmas Season and Winter, fashion seems to be shifting into "high" gear. I subscribe to Schon! (outta the UK/Germany). This is a great release this month and worth flipping through online.
As an aside I noticed a distinct move into illustration and painting in this issue - maybe the time of year or maybe a general fashion trend. Either way really really hot stuff and very inspirational.
Schon! Magazine Download - I really can't emphasize this enough. This magazine is loaded, I say LOADED, full of such beautiful, touching, powerful, and orgasmic images - totally free to the public to view. ***(And a special surprise on pp206-207)
This last image is from South America as a contribution to Schon!, however, it reminded me of Art of Walk just the cast of characters and the marching. What do you think Ms Julie Kaye?
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